the war is endless; roaring forever
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I'm watching a weird episode of Spongebob. They're making a band. XD

Allegro smiled again. Boy, what turned into a small stroll had turned into the pleasure off meeting someone new that she, happily, had came to like. Pendzez was nice, complimentary and he looked strong and smart. She had just met him and already thought of him as a good friend. She smiled slightly again, looking between her pelt and his. Allegro was happy and finally accepted her appearance.

"Thank you, Pendzez," Allegro said, smiling and liking the flow of his name. Hard names to pronounce as well as names that sounded silly just confused her. His name was nice and reminded her of a diamond. Allegro didn't know why; it just did. Fluffly? Allegro smiled slightly at the word. It sure did describe her coat, as well as personality.


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