Take a chance
Firefly was slightly confused at the emotions that were surging through her body as she watched her mate with cold eyes. She had no clue why he was there besides the fact that he lived in the house but the room she was hiding in was in no way close to any room he normally occupied. She lowered her head down next to the children as she tried to hush their cries and nudge them closer to her belly where food and shelter were both available. Her eyes turned back to him as he spoke, she wasn't for certain if she believed him or not.

"Can I trust you on that.." she asked as she watched the male, not moving from her position as the puppies were beating their little heads against her body before finally quieting down for the time. She looked down to them, the confusion showing in her eyes as she tried to understand how she'd wanted them dead when she realized they were to come and now that they were here she'd protect them with her own life. The way of things was strange. She just sighed softly and let it be at that.

The sudden movement from Haku made her shift her gaze back towards the male as he seemed to be trying to look past her at the small figures she was protecting. She watched him until he finally broke down and spoke. She wasn't sure of what to say at first but after a moment she just nodded, she was tired of all the fighting and arguing. She was young and didn't want to feel alone in this. They would never be a perfect family or a happy home but she didn't want to be alone and if he wanted to try again she wasn't going to stop him. The two needed al lthe help they could get(from eachother) to make it through this.

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