I'm barely holding onto you

There were times when she thought that she had it. Naniko had believed that everything with Anu would go well and that they would never have anything to fight over. Anu hadn't even tried to discuss any of what had happened with Conri with Naniko at all--she'd just gone straight to accusing her of things. She knew what was best for her own children, and she knew that they'd be angry with her if she never told them that they had a father. She'd have to talk to Salem about it eventually; he was the only one that she hadn't had the chance to sit down and talk to about it. But they were old enough to know where to go and where not go to...who to trust and who was trouble.

She needed to pick up something. Some kind of a hobby...or a habit. Something to keep her busy. The commander spent so much time around the packlands doing maintenance, helping out here and there, that she wasn't doing many things for herself. This trip was all about her, for once.

The longer she sat in the car the better she began to feel. She would take some time off--just a couple of days--to clear her head. Then she could go back to Anu and try and tell her how she felt about things. It was very complicated leading a pack and being mated to a wolf who was farther down in the ranks. She trusted Anu with every bit of her, but she couldn't always be the loving mate. Sometimes she had to be the Commander, even when it messed up her social life.

A voice brought her out of her thoughts, and the large female turned her head to see who had come across her sitting place. She was pretty far out into the city, and wasn't expecting that anyone from her own pack would be out in this area, too. It was interesting, meeting someone outside of the packlands for once. "Hey. What's up?" She greeted, reaching back to play with the tattered gray upholstery that she sat upon. She hadn't seen Geneva for a while. "How's winter treating you?"


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