Breaking ALL the Rulez

The whole atmosphere changed with that one simple statement. A growl rose in her young throat as she got to her paws. "Don't speak to me like that male, not when I defended you against the stranger that called you monster!" Her voice was a threatening tone, it was one that said she would stand by her defense if he didn't back off. Her yellow eyes were strong and flashing the same fire at him.

"She claimed to be your daughter. Not that I cared much. That peice of crap was going some where that I didn't like." Laying back down Svara kept her young eyes on the male, not letting them stray. With her paws crossed she remembered what she had said to the female. That she would pay her favor in for the male, defending his life since he had saved hers. As well as firefly, though Svara would never let either of them know it. They would only use it against her in some way.


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