one soul, one heart, one life, one [p]ath

Pendzez heard the voice of Allegro as she bounded up the tree and sat beside him. Pendzez was pleased that she came here for the event. Once a year this thing happens, but this year, Pendzez would want someone else to hear this song. Allegro would want to hear it. "Hey," he said softly when Allegro came up. "In fifteen minutes, it will begin. As soon as the sun touches the water."

Pendzez examined her, seeing that she wasn't a Luperci. A wolf instead. Pendzez didn't mind, however. Being a wolf mabye is what the female was happy of being. Mabye she didn't like the fact that Lupercis can shift from quadruped to bipedal. Being werewolf isn't so bad, but wolves just prefer being wolves. "So, you're a wolf I see?" he asked calmly, not making it sound like he was offending her of her kind. He wasn't a rude wolf who hated normal wolves for being wolves, he was just curious.


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