one soul, one heart, one life, one [p]ath

Allegro blushed - sort of. Color went to her cheeks and she smiled lightly. She didn't necessarily wish to be a Luperci, but it would be much easier. Even if it somehow came true (like that would happen!), she wouldn't know anything about it. She hadn't met one person who was a normal wolf. She felt like an outcast; a loner. But Allegro usually was a loner. Thankfully, at a handful of times, she met new people. Those were her favorite times.

"I guess so, as much as I hate to admit it," Allegro said, twirling her tail in low and high scoops. She thought that if she focused more on her tail and her simple movements, then she would forget her silly 'hopes' and 'wishes'. It was really silly that Allegro would wish these things, but she guessed that was what made wishes appealing: you could wish for anything and no one had to know about it. She had told people, yes, but the same appeal was still there. Sort of.


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