We all have sins of the past.
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It was not by pure accident that the two wolves’ paths crossed in the middle of the night. Svara had announced the dreadful news, and he had been out and had his worst fear confirmed. Colibri’s scent was only a weak trail, and he had managed to stop himself from tracking the chocolate woman down and do what he should have done soon a year ago. How dared she to come to Dahlia and ruin his life further? It was unacceptable, and yet he knew too well that he did not stand a chance. Cercelee had not forgotten either, and he knew what was coming. Not exactly what, but he knew she would come for him. With a few days without nothing, he had decided to take the matter into his own hands and track down the Rosea of Dahlia de Mai. When her scent had proved strong enough, he had halted and simply wandered around in the area nearby her in his secui form.

He had been right, and the rumbling throat and a white flash was all he got before the woman was over him, her teeth raking wherever they connected with his fur and skin. Halfling form had been a very good idea, apparently. He was at a loss what to do. The Lilium felt the rage from his Rosea, but he remained empty himself, and had the time to take in what was happening with a functioning brain that worked on top gear how to solve this unsolvable harm that Colibri had shared with Cercelee. Reluctantly, he kept from fighting back. That did not mean that he would lie idly and take it all. The woman was afire, and her lashes could be deadly if they hit the right veins and spots. His powerful body wriggled under the younger woman, making it impossible for her to aim, but he came to realize that she did not aim for any area in particular, just as long as it belonged to him it was a suitable target.

The only time when his fangs met hers was when she came too close to his throat and face, and his jaws parried her attacks, and they both had to pay the price of small cuts on the muzzles where a fang or two had raked the skin. Else from that, his chest, shoulder, neck and front limbs were having a hard time, and though he did try to avoid her snapping jaws, her teeth connected with flesh repeatedly.


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