one soul, one heart, one life, one [p]ath

Allegro was well aware of what would happen, yet she was still a little scared. But she was brave enough to go through with it, no matter how much her fear toward her otherwise. She knew of a few ways to become a Luperci, and all of them didn't seem that enjoyable. But Allegro wanted to do this and had to make sacrifices. "I'm sure, Pendzez. Don't worry about hurting me. I'll... be okay." Allegro said, smiling slightly. Even if she was scared, she was right: she would be okay. Right? Right.

Allegro looked out into the ocean at the sound of Jefferson's name. They had gotten into a fight and she barely escaped with her life. Or, at least, that's how Allegro made it sound. He had really put her in no danger whatsoever, but had scared her half to death. "He's certainly a... tough little fellow," Allegro smiled again at Pendzez, imagining what had happened the day before. It wasn't an enjoyable experience, but she had learned a few things or two. Or three. Or four.


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