one soul, one heart, one life, one [p]ath

Allegro nodded swiftly. She knew of the other ways, but didn't know how to bring them up. The way that caused the most pain was probably not the best way, especially if it hurt Pendzez himself. How could she bring the topic without the shyness and tensity it brought? Unable to find her voice for a moment, Allegro stood there, mouth hanging open. Her jaw was tense and frigid, obviously strained. "There's other ways, right?" Allegro began in a detached whisper.

Allegro tried to focus her thoughts on something more plesant and appealing, and remembered what Pendzez had just said about Jefferson and Iskata. Yes, little was certainly not the word to describe him. He was rather scary, but Allegro didn't think of him as threat. She wondered if she should. Letting out a little giggle, Allegro spoke again, this time happily and easily. "Yes, he's certainly not little!" After laughing quietly for a little, Alegro spoke again, this time quieter and more reserved. "Ah, yes, I know of Iskata," She remembered back to the day they met, down at Three Mills. It was an odd day, full of surprises and strange greetings. Allegro, thinking more intently about the memory, still thought it was a good day nevertheless.


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