one soul, one heart, one life, one [p]ath

Allegro sounded a bit detached when she asked about other ways. He just realized there were other ways, but how can he say it without sounding offencive. He tryed to think of a way and came up with one, but... what if she is offended? "Well, yes there are. There's... also sexual intercourse and... blood transfusion." He sound calm, but nervous when explaining the different ways. He hoped she wouldn't get upset.

Iskata was such a sweet female to be friends with. She recently had pups which are still growing up. "So, where did you meet her?" he asked. Deuce... well, Deuce was hard to see lately because she's been at her home for a while. He didn't really know what was going on, but he didn't want to ask because he might have stumbled into something that Deuce didn't want anyone to know. That would be understandable.


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