coat-hanger halos

OOC: I had like half of this typed up, then I tried to preview it and it broke D:
How easy it would be if he could just go up to her and tell her how he felt. Lubomir knew that he didn't have the courage to do so. After all, why would he be speaking to Bane if he could so easily walk up to Mew and explain everything about how he felt? It seemed as though the philosopher Lubomir had studied about could simply have stopped asking themselves questions about gods, love, death and the meaning of existence and believed. Oh, yes, hope. A fragile and strange thing, like belief, only one could go through live without belief. For Lubomir, belief was far too important to just pass up.

"You speak of it as a waste, Bane. To me it isn't. I am not entirely sure she feels the same about me and if she doesn't..." Lubomir shook his head. How could he explain? Sure, he was a coward, but that much was obvious. Taking the meat offered, he bit into it, lavishing in the taste of cooked food. While he certainly enjoyed raw meat, still dripping with blood, he could easily enjoy a more human-like meal. Besides, Bane was offering it, so never look the gift horse in the mouth. Free food was free good and amazing as well. "Thank you. For the food and the company. I am not sure what I will do once I return to Dahlia. Talk to her, perhaps. What about you? Where do you go from here?"


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