No Casper here
Konane looked to the male, she was just about ready to jump out of her fur and run, never in the short time that she had lived in these lands had hear the lands carry on in such a way, any one that lived here for a long time would have to be about deaf, or would not be even a but as jumpy as she was. Which was clear was something that she would never been she was very jumpy and always stressing over something. She wasn't sure where she got in from though, maybe something she picked up for caring about a child a little under three months older then her. She missed that boy, she loved him like he was her own child, even if he was more like a brother then a child.

She gave a nod, both of them where like sisters in one way or the other. She had lost touch with the both of them with time, and starting her own live family. Nothing could take those joys away from her. His next question floored her, ghost?! No she had never seen one, she never wanted to see one. "Gh...ghost? Nooo, I can't say I have..."

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