Breaking ALL the Rulez

Watching him she could see it. The female knew what his problem was. He had done something, something to be afraid of this female in his pack. So his pansy of a daughter came here to confront him where he could do nothing about it. It was smart but the she wolf also didn't like that the idiot had come to plan games. Unlike the rest of the mutts in this pack Svara would make the girl regret coming back, she made everyone regret being around her, but this girl would want out soon.

Deciding how to face the male Svara shifted. It was a strange choice but she did it none the less. Already at her age she was 6'1 and thin. Her yellow eyes were staring at him as he spoke and she continued to sit on the kitchen island. Hoping down she went to the stove and over laid her hand on the skilet. "Look you go and rage and pout over in some corner over there but I would like it if you don't take your rage out on my meal?" Svara let her eyebrow raise and a shit eating grin come onto her face. "And by the way Haku. For all I care you could rape the stupid bitch daughter of yours and it's not my problem. If I were raped i would solve my problems by killing the person who raped me, not whinning about it and running to the white cotton ball of a wolf." She turned away putting her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner before giving him his answer to his question."It was the other day."


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