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Simon decided to continue his wide circle around the adult. He didn't feel like this wolf was necessarily a threat anymore, it was more of a puppy thing. He liked to be in constant motion. Plus, the night he'd spent out in the freezing cold had caused his body parts to feel numb. He walked around gingerly, trying to work life back into his paws. He wanted to get back somewhere warm, but he couldn't turn down the opportunity to talk to this stranger at the borders. He figured it was good practice for him to practice securing the borders and also gave him the chance to get to know someone new.

He stopped in front of Lubomir once again to continue talking to him. He thought about answering the gray adult's questions while continuing his pacing, but decided against it. That would be awfully impolite, and he did want to practice his chivalry after all! For a moment Simon pondered what chivalry really meant. As far as he knew, knights swore loyalty to their kings and queens and rescued damsels and slayed dragons. While this Lubormir guy seemed nice enough, he didn't seem kingly. He certainly wasn't a damsel, and on top of that, Mati was the only damsel he was interested in at all. And Lubomir certainly wasn't a dragon. That left this situation very challenging for him.

He sighed, figuring he only had good manners to fall back on. His momma had told him to get a good boy anyway. "I thinks the Lady Marino is here, but she could be somewhere else too." Simon wasn't really sure about Savina's exact whereabouts. He had never met her, but he had seen her around. She seemed to be very busy whenever he saw her out and about. She moved around and didn't stay in the same place for very long. He understood that was because she was Queen Naniko's helper. Maybe that made Savina something like a duchess. He made a mental note to ask someone about that later.

"Well," Simon said thoughtfully. "The Jazper Knight is in charge of most of the protecting part. My job is to protect one of the princesses." He said the last part with pride. "I'm Simon. I get to be the knight for the princess, but I don't get to be a knight of the realm til I learns more from Jazz." Simon began to prance about in a circle again, lifting his paws high to make big tracks in the snow. "Hey, Mister Lubomir, do you know where there's any dragons around here. I gots'ta practice in case one ever comes around."

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