A lot of things have changed lately

OOC: thier own gay manly love X} Sorry for the wait. 268 words

Watching the brown male Ril'o kept silent with nothing to say yet, ears flickered against his skull as his green eyes meet the intense stare of male. Staring back Ril'o could feel the sense of authority from the brunette brute, he resisted a low growl in return as Haku bared his teeth. ' He's second in command, I'm sure of it..' Remaining still his ill mood only seemed to creep around him longer, and it was apparent that he wasn't the only one have a bad day; flickering his tail Ril'o watched him toss the rabbit just past him, he wasn't sure what to say but he really didn't care. His mood was abnormal but everyone has their days one could suppose. Rising he moved to the right slowly, his golden pelt shifting as he moved forward and out of Haku's way.

Jade eyes lingered on him before looking about the area before he glanced back at the coffee male, he finally spoke with a simple, clam, but annoyed tone. " Making food into a plaything..it's understandable to 'some' " He knew many even when at his state would throw a fit about the rabbit, he didn't care because he has been the rabbit before. An it felt better to watch then to become the rabbit again, selfish, maybe a little but he was too down to really care at the moment. His only company was a slightly angry, higher rank male, and who appears to be in a similar mood- then let him be my company. He was still my pack mate and might as well meet him nonetheless.



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