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How long had he been living in these lands? How long had been living in these lands, how long had it been since he had seen Noah around? The six or so month that he had been back had started out slow, slow and he was mis able, he wasn't sure if it was the drinking, the drugs or just trying to live up to what his father wanted him to be, or if he was just to young to live with in a pack and work in it. The black male rolled his shoulders, he really didn't know how long he had been in this pack. Lucifer sighed softly, "I think I've been here for about four, I think, I started out as a Spaher, where your at, then I moved up to where I am at now. Fatin asked me to stay when I came for a visit, so I stayed."

The male pushed around the fresh kill pile as he sorted out some of the older kills, He would have to take them out of the pack land and bury them, to make sure that no one ate them and got sick. He didn't want that upon his shoulders. Lucifer looked over to the Spaher, with a sigh."This is my labor of love, I promised Fatin I would help with her pups, and I hardly see them any more, so I picked up the idea of making sure that the pack is well feed, maybe stuffed, and the fattest pack around"

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