you seem like you'd be a good dad

Savina couldn't help but smile broadly as Mati's little growls turned to giggles and laughter. There was nothing better than a pup's laughter. It was the world's best medicine. You couldn't hear it and stay sad. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kansas nibble on her paw and tickle the little girl's pads. Oh, how cruel they were being! But it was all in good fun. The brown pup pushed and squirmed against her attacking nose. When she came in contact with her belly or a leg she lightly nibbled on it, to increase the fun. But soon she was able to get off of her back and onto her feet, and she immediately jumped on Kansas.

The fey softly giggled as she watched their niece get revenge on her mate. Instead of going over to "save" him, she sat back and watched. Seeing the two of them play together tugged at her heart. A yearning that had always been there was beginning to creep into her consciousness. She had always wanted to be a mother. To have children of her own to love and raise. At the same time she wanted her kids to have what she never did: a father. Looking at Kansas and Mati right now she knew deep inside that he would make a wonderful father. She just didn't know if he wanted to be one.

"I think you've got your uncle pretty good there, Mati!" she said grinning. The femme was content to sit and watch this until she was pulled back into the play again.


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