can't get much wronger

     What information Jefferson had been able to tell him was enough. Gabriel had filled in the blanks since then. That was why he had been expecting this; expecting someone to come and try and rescue his niece from the likes of Inferni. Rescue her from people who actually cared about her and kept an eye on her. People who taught her how to speak properly, as she should have been by this age, and how to survive. Neither of Gabriel’s children had ever wandered so far without a guardian—Talitha’s exception, however, did not change this. Andrezej was dead, and in his mind, this resolved the matter.

     Gabriel approached the silver-gray male, his pace languid, his eyes clear. The Aquila stopped short of the borders and settled onto his haunches. This was going to take a while, that much he could tell from DaVinci’s stance. He said nothing. He knew he didn’t need to.


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