coat-hanger halos

cakeSorry for the wait! I've had a really busy week. :/

cakeThere were many paths a person could take; many trials of life and love that would turn a boy into a man, and all of these things were subject to the whims of the individual, or so most liked to believe. Bane believed -- no, he knew -- that all of them had a greater purpose, and each and every one of them would fulfill that purpose one day, as great and important as it might be, or as trivial and mundane. The dark wolf, looking at Lubomir through the eyes his mother had given him, knew that words were things that were easily ignored or misunderstood. He preferred to keep them locked away in his head than waste them. If the lady told him no? "Then you have lost nothing." His voice was calm as he studied his companion.

cakeAs he chewed, he listened, and nodded slightly at Lubomir's thanks. The man owed him a hunt, and Bane would remember it; he did, after all, forget very little. The question, however, was unexpected, and Bane blinked at the eloquent wolf, pausing a moment before replying. "It would take all the excitement out of life, Lubomir, if I knew where I was going," he said with a quick smile. "We'll all find our reasons in due time." The Dahlia wolf had perhaps already found his, but denied it. Bane was searching for a thing that might not exist in this reality. But if anything, the man had faith; Fate would choose their paths, and their destiny would lead them home. This he believed.


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