There is a time for everything
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The two toned female, warm milk chocolate color covered with dark rich mocha fur, swallowed hard. This female was making it harder yet for Adelaida to form a pleasant, sane sounding response. She knew she had to stop shying away from the Luperci, away from their ways, but it was all so… revolting. The female here was simply constructing a tool she never intended to use? Wasn’t their enough human garbage hanging around already? Did the Luperci really have to create their own brand of useless things? Adelaida sighed, turning her eyes from the contraption and focusing them on Mew.

The female’s eyes were emerald and Adelaida tried to focus in on them, rather than any other part of her body. At least the eyes, whether in the head of a luperci or a lupus, always looked the same. They did not undergo the horrifying tissue and skeletal changes that the rest of the body did. "Well then..." Ade struggled to find words, words which were not insulting and would keep the conversation at a normal level. "What do you like to do?" Hopefully it was not something more unnatural than fishing with a rod.


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