does it make you happy you're so strange?
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OOC: Ooooh, fighting, I like. Big Grin Also short. Maybe it works better this way?

Fear. It paralysed Lubomir. He knew he had been brash, stupid, too quick with his words. But meeting both Firefly and Haku in such a short amount of time had done nothing to assuage his anger. He might be old, and bitter, but he would not be fucked around with. It did come as a great shock, though, when Haku attacked. It was unexpected and Lubomir's body tensed. He closed his eyes and retreated into the beast's lair. It slavered and grinned, its eyes dark pools of hate. The grey male stood his ground, facing the darkness within. You need me. You know that alone, in your state, he could destroy you. No words needed to be spoken back. You allow me the freedom and I will hurt him as much as your pathetic frame will allow me to. A silent nod and the chains were off.

Lubomir opened his eyes to the rush of Haku's shoulder, but the yellow eyes had gone dark with madness. He grinned the psychotic grin of his monster and allowed the chocolate male's shoulder to connect with his own. Pain flashed through the wolf's mind, a kaleidoscope of sound and sensation. The monster hardly seemed to feel it. With a growl low in his throat, he skidded, rocks darting into the water. Almost effortlessly he turned and went for Haku's tail, his jaws wide open. In this form, all sanity was thrown out the window and there was no need to attempt self-preservation.


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