can't get much wronger
All that he'd come away with was the fact that his sister was in Inferni, he hadn't sat around long enough to learn the truth of everything. DaVinci had grown attached to the girl, he had basically been the one to raise her since Iskata had abandoned her and he looked at her more like a daughter than a sister. He wasn't the best father, he knew that but he'd tried everything he could and he'd kept the little runt alive and lively until her own mother had intervined once more. He wasn't surprised when Gabriel was the one who appeared to sit and stare back at him like there was nothing he had to say.

The blood boiled in his veins as he waited for the male to speak and yet nothing was given. DaVinci couldn't help but explode after the second dragged on and on. His voice was gruff as he demanded what he came for. "I want my sister back." He narrowed those stormy orbs as he continued on. "You have no right to keep her here!" His anger was beginning to get to him as he snarled and took a step forward, Gabriel wasn't going to keep him from seeing Zana or from bringing her home.

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