coat-hanger halos

OOC: Don't worry! Okay, two more threads to go. I feel like on a sugar high posting spree or something o_O

Lost nothing? Well, in theory there was nothing to lose. A rejection for mateship was hardly a reason to be thrown out of a pack. The relationship between them might be strained for a while, true, but he would simply move out of her den and avoid confrontation. The land was big enough for everyone, so why struggle so much? No, the true loss would be on the emotional side, where he would certainly lose a piece of his heart. Ember had been kind in her rejection, Mew would presumably be the same, but the pain would be there nonetheless. Lubomir knew he might not be amazing, but he did consider himself good enough. "Nothing gained if nothing lost, of course. The pain would be there, but then is life not an endless struggle against pain?"
He was unsure where the philosophy had started leaking into their discussion. Perhaps because this wolf was intelligent and clearly well-spoken. So much so that Lubomir could identify with him and exchange such dialogue. It was a pleasant way to pass the time, all things considered. "The question is, how much time do we have left?" Had Skoll not died, would they still exchange stories in the shadows of Halcyon Mountain? Would they hunt together and protect the borders? Presumably so. Skoll had not gone into battle with the knowledge of death upon him. If he had, would he have turned back? A coward's way? "How can a wolf say for sure if life has been worth living? Do we not all of us fear that we have not lived enough?"


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