can't get much wronger

     “I’m not forcing her to stay,” Gabriel said flatly. His eyes remained clear and sharp, and did not falter from his companion’s face. Though he was not threatened by the boy, he recognized the potential for physical violence. A cold wind turned behind him, and Gabriel’s thick fur whipped with the motion. It smelled of salt, of the clan, of the distant ash that Gabriel believed he would smell forever. That was not the first fire. There was little doubt in his mind that another was not out of the question.
     There was a sudden shift in Gabriel’s tone—it became chiding, as one might scold a child. “You should have kept a better eye on her. Honestly, letting a child roam halfway across this territory. You should be lucky she came here and wasn’t killed. Don’t expect me to let her go back to people who obviously could care less about her safety.”


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