Take a chance
Once he was there, he realized that there was no way he would be able to keep anything down if he tried to eat something. This was not only about Firefly either. He knew that all in all, they had all had their reasons to doubt him. Yet, it had shook the male to the core those days ago when he had entered the birth scene and seen the Dahlia members' reactions to his presence. He was so fucking disappointed that he could not shake it away like he did with most things. More and more often he got the fact that he was unwanted confirmed straight in his face. If he had not begun to create ties and friendships in the pack, it would have been much easier to handle, but Haku had grown roots all over Souls, especially in Dahlia. The fact that the pack still disapproved of him and saw him as a threat to the pack's own members, that stung more than anything. When had he ever let Dahlia de Mai down? Maybe he had done some things to certain pack members, but in the majority of the cases it had been mental pain. All in all, he had not intended to hurt Firefly. It had just happened, and now it was all lost. He could understand it, but he did not want to.

The male turned around as the female's voice sounded from the kitchen entrance. He suppressed a sigh before it could announce its own existence. He did not know what they were doing. Firefly had been loyal to him as far as he was aware of, and he knew too well that this was the result of his fuck ups. He had never wanted it to be this way, had never intended anything. Haku was a simple animal, and he had never trained himself up to resist natural urges as they came up, because he had never needed to do such a thing as a loner. I know I have done so much wrong, but I honestly don't know how to fix it. Could their mateship ever become even close to normal again? There was no point in keeping the title as one half of a whole if they kept going like this. The thought itself should have been able to fill Haku up with the incoming taste of delicious freedom again, but it was not as sweet as he had imagined all these months. The two boys were his as well, and even though they were still unwanted in his heart, it did not mean that he would discard them in any way. Haku was not a purebred monster. He too had been small and filled with innocence. It was age and corruption that had made him choose the path and in the end made him into what he was today.

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