Breaking ALL the Rulez

The male watched the young female and was of course bound to wonder where her wisdom came from. Her words fitted his own philosophy. Life was about getting hurt. Life was misery and tears. There was nothing else to do than to deal with it. If you can't fix it, you have to stand it. The bright moment of the youth was ruined as she brushed past him to whine about food again. Oh well, she had more than once proved that she was not an empty nut, one of the reasons why she had not been thrown out of his cottage as of yet. With a talon, the male tapped the bowl that he had already filled up with the mixed meat and onions, almost surprised she had not thrown herself over it already. It's all yours, no need to be polite now. Hah, yeah, right. Just some different types of onions and some wild mushroom, and not of the magic shroom type. Unlike many of the wolves that increased their skills, Haku cared very little about using proper equipment or learning the different names of ingredients. He was mainly lead by his nose, and learning some complicated names just to be able to explain that 'yes, your nose is right, there are two different onions, which are named blah blah' was useless. Haku did not talk much about his love for cooking anyway, and he usually did it alone in the cabin.

Her next words almost damaged his brain. He eyed the female coldly, though he did not mean for his gaze to be chilly. He wished he had the ability to read minds. He wanted to dig deep into Svara's twisted little mind and find her recipe. Although the female was good at acting rather insane and .. dumb because of her total lack of respect around other wolves, Haku knew she had a sharp brain and a cool, calculating personality. He was quite sure that he already knew what Svara was able to do, and it pleased him beyond everything to have such a personality in his pack. And you still loved him afterwards? What did I do wrong then since my gal hates me? The male almost felt sick because of his own words. They were so rotten and revealed too much of the his corrupted soul. What was worse was that Svara seemingly took it all with ease. If she continued her development in the same direction, then he knew she would one day be much more dangerous than he could ever be.

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