i prefer moths rather than butterflies
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... blebot.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Don't worry^^

Catherine was still waiting when she realized that all of that "silent" was gone, and she heard something. When a new, normal voice called her, she looked at it. It was a black female, and her smell of the tribe. She reconized the smell she felt all the day. It was part of the tribe, like its owner. Something on it seemed to make Catherine have a more submissive position near it. She noticed that it could only be the Alpha, the Kalona. Hearing the black female's comment as it approached her, she looked slowly to where the creature would be hidding, whatever it was. She opened her mouth faintly as two glowing yellow spots fade in inside the hole of the bush's leaves. From that space, the glowings spots became the eyes in a snake's head. It slid from there slowly and smoothly from the dark toward her. It was longer than she expected. Its back was black, but it faded to a white to its belly. It raised its head and looked on her eyes, its piercing, deep yellow eyes faintly glowing.

I've been waiting you for a while, Catherine.

Its voice was more like a hiss than anything else. As the voice came out, it opened its mouth lightly. The inside of it and its thongue were picth black, making her reconize it. She knew this kind of snake, had already seen it in a encyclopedia. It was a black mamba, one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. She kept it cool, knowing it wouldn't harm her, but still surprised. Without looking away from the snake, she asked in a normal voice.

"Aah... what is it?" She wasn't really sure for who was that question, but she only hoped to get an answer.


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