Break these BONDS!

[ooc; sorry short!]

It was about time Ril'o took a trip from the Dahlia de Mai lands since he has left after being accepted, he has thought about it before but never got around to doing. After the accident on the ice with slay an having a black in front of him, the alpha's mate Ril'o felt a bit shamed and useless the Dahlia de Mai. The fresh new air felt refreshing with every new scent but he also knew there isn't protection here, he will have to protect himself like he had done before. Trotting through the land his green eye fixed themselves to the new darkness that the moon brought, tail swaying as he trotted an jumping through a high grass field. He loved this kind of fields that you can hid yourself in and watch the sky, panting he ran about before rolling over and laying down. 'i miss this nights, but i'm happy at Dahlia de Mai . '

Staring up at the fresh night sky he laid relaxed with his tail swaying in between his legs as his golden fur was a off match to the grass, shinning green eyes took in the large sky like it was water; drinking it all in he felt content with himself, he had left his true family but saved himself his life an from corruption in doing so.
" I love nights like this, the sky.."
table by Svara


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