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Why was it that everyone seemed set on not frightening her? But then they couldn't really know her personality by just looking at her. They can't know that just because she seemed delicate that she wasn't as fragile she she seemed. She witnessed her mother spiraling further and further into madness and it hadn't had some tramatic damaging effect on her. She had been told that her father had abandoned her but it hadn't broken her spirit. Rather she still searched everyday for him and the other family she had been told on. If she didn't give up when she was told that Chimera no longer existed why would she give up if she was told that her dad didn't love or want her? She was a resiliant young lass. Not matter the setbacks she always seemed to bounce back. It was just in her nature. Just like she had a friendly and trusting outlook to everyone that she encountered. She figured that since they were all wolves they were all family and that family didn't hurt one another.

At the words head lifted from the ground. The smile taht formed over her lips simply added to the faineant air surrounding her. Was she hungry? She had to think about it for a moment. "A little bit." Words were admitted softly. One last look was spared to the fish that she couldn't reach before she looked back to the young male. Working to get her footing amongst the snow the pup stood slowly and stretched herself out. Pelt shook itself out to try and remove the flakes of snow that clung to her coat. "Are you hungry? I can probably find something." That friendly, helpful offer was made in usual Selene fashion. While she waited, still standing on all four paws, tail wagged lightly behind her. The female enjoyed meeting new people amongest other things. The dancing light in her eyes, and hidden jsut behind her smile, spoke of the excitement at the prospect even if she wasn't hyperly bouncing about as per usual.

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