Take a chance
She didn't want to be the one to say I told you so but he'd created this whole mess, he'd dug his grave and now that he was being forced to lay in it he ddin't seem to like the feeling. Her emerald eyes watched him as he just stood there. She wasn't exactly certain what was going through his head but she'd seen the look slapped across his maw earlier that week when the puppies had arrived into the world. Perhaps in some small way he hadn't deserved the attitude the women of the pack had met him with but there were things in this world that males would never understand.. what he'd walked into was just one of those many scenes in life. She wasn't going to be the one to try and explain the workings of the woman's ways to the disappointed Lillium.

When his words hit her she couldn't help the flare of emotions that sparked in her heart as she took a step back from her mate. She was silent a moment longer before she spoke frankly. "You can stop while you're ahead, before you lose everything.." she felt like spatting the words in his face but she only spoke the truth, not nasty overture or anger added this time. "Unless you feel there's nothing left to lose." The words she spoke hurt but she wasn't going to let the man she called her mate see that. She wouldn't let him see how he hurt her so, though he already knew he'd repeatedly burned her.

Her eyes turned away from Haku as she just shook her head and walked back through the door and to where their children waited helplessly for her return. She didn't even want to start to think about the male she'd left behind to seemed to be having trouble figuring out just what he was going to do or not do with everything he'd already screwed up. She just shook her head and curled up around the two nameless boys before she laid her head down, her normally walled up heart heavy. She was through fighting for him, if this was what their lives were going to be like she would make it easier for him if he wasn't going to fight his own battle for once.

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