You Cut Me Open and I Keep Bleeding


Full name: Asha Amara
Name Meaning: Can either mean "hope" or "life"
Name Origin: Unknown
Nicknames: Rarely goes by any, but "Ash" could be suitable for those closest to her
Birthdate: August 15, 2007
Age: Two years old
Luperci: Yes, by birth
Species: Red wolf
Soul Grade: Neutral
Home & Rank: AniWaya, Ayastigi

Physical Appearance: For her Red Wolf species, her pelt is similar in hue and placement to that of her father, however her fur is mixed with several mottled colors. The dominant undercoat is of a light gray, meshing with several variety hues of deep crimson, different spectrums of light and dark auburn, and several select patches of ivory. Her eyes are of a soft, gentle, and inquisitive light beige. The contours of her face are asymmetrical, with her left side having more feminine structure, and her right side with more masculine narrowness. Her build is naturally on the small side for her kind, but as small as she appears, is quite fit for her type. In Optime, stands at 5'5" ranging in at 130 lbs. Although retaining her quite small and streamlined figure even here, it is clearly evident even in her small Optime form that she stands confident with a strong and toned body structure for her type. Firey crimson hair cascades down just below her shoulders, both wild and spiky
Eyes: Light beige, often sparkling with some sort of profound interest, mischievous, or vitality of observation, knowledge, and amusement
Coloration: Mottled colors of light gray, deep crimsons, light and dark auburn, and several patches of white
Form Preference: Optime
Height & Weight: 5'5" at most, 130lbs
Clothing: Does not wear any particular style or cover of clothing
Accessories: Is not much with accessories, but will occasionally tie in a couple of colorful feathers into her locks when they are either braided or pulled back
Scars: None that are visible
Tattoos: On the more feminine side of her face, from the corner of her left upper eye a small pink upwards whorl coupled with a larger pink downward swirl comes out about half inch. Completing this eye are also two small pink spots from the lower corner of her eye and also next to the swirls on the upper corner of her eye. On the right side, two pink stripes run horizontal underneath her right eye
Piercings: Left ear holds two gold studs, and one green stud in the middle, positioned vertically on the rim of her ear. Their symbolism lies behind the three unnamed siblings from her first litter that did not survive along with her. Her right ear has two silver studs positioned vertically and in the similar spot opposite of her right ear. The two silver studs are symbol for herself and her sister, Aiyanna

Demeanor: One could say she is a stereotypical Leo in several ways — warmhearted, enthusiastic, expansive, pompous, impulsive. Small things certainly do come in big packages with her, for her temperament certainly makes up her size. She is generally passionate about learning and discovering new concepts and ideas, although tends to believe she is more independent of herself than thought of (even while her family name and heritage still remains close and important, it's even important for herself to establish her own separate person). Naive when younger, she is slowly growing out of that stage. For her more testy side, Asha could be quite overly arrogant of herself, not to mention very opinionated to go along in tune with her independence. Only then will she respond with such if feeling challenged or questioned. Generally, however, she is generous and quite an individual to keep up with if one could deal with her energetic nature about her.

General Style of Speech: Puts emphasis on several words to stress. Her voice is usually upbeat, inquisitive, amused, and slick with sarcasm. She is typically not a quiet or shy person. Isn't afraid to occasionally drop some several curse words, but generally does that out of ear of her father or of members of her tribe.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Does not have a singular religion, although is very spiritual
Prejudices: Winter, static situations, boredom, introvert-ism
General Philosophy: That life's meaning is to be content, to be at peace with your mind and body working in harmony, to experience every aspect and sensation of touch, taste, feel, sight, and scent in this world. Above all, to respect Mother Nature and treat those as they would treat your own

Residence: Asha has a personalized cabin that is not too far from the outskirts of the AniWaya village. It is quite simple and is set up in the manner of a studio like abode; there is a small area serving as the "living room" with a couch and a table, a bed in the corner, a fireplace, a corner for projects and displaying weaponry, and several shelves and items that consist of books, knick-knacks, and charms either given to her by Dawali or have obtained on her journey. There is also a stable in the making she is creating for the benefit of Aidan.
Favorite Haunts: AniWaya Village, Adagio Creek, Adanvdo Tsusga (The Spirit Oak), Grandfather's Tears
Hobbies: Exploring, scouting, conditioning, weaponry, personal fitness, horseback riding, fishing, spearing, archery
Habits: Consistently has a smirk at the corner of her muzzle, whether she is focused upon something amusing or she is mulling in her inner thoughts. Also likes to occasionally glance down at the ground for any tell tale sign of tracks and the like.
Substances: Is quite clean of substances



Jaya, the Galápagos Hawk (Buteo galapagoensis)
Jaya is a male Galápagos Hawk, obtaining his name by the meaning of "Victory". Jaya's species is known for their fearless nature toward creatures and authority over most predators from their original habitat. Asha had obtained her Spirit Guide when she had been eight months old. Traversing up a mountain in the old lands of AniWaya, Asha discovered Jaya perched upon a tree at the very top of the mountain, to where the both of them had shared a deep conversation and dawning upon each other's connection. Jaya typically has some attitude, and can certainly be a little unruly and aggressive. Although his fiery temperament isn't one that's completely out of control, he remains quite collective of his temperament during the calmer moments of life unless danger is present. Jaya tends to make his presence known most of the time to the sight of others, since he is nothing near a Spirit Guide who is reclusive and shy.


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