can't get much wronger
DaVinci couldn't help but snarl back at the male, "So we can't touch base on the mistakes Gabriel's made but everyone else's is open game." His stormy orbs flashed as the male spat at the leader's feet before shaking his head in disgust. "You're a fuckin' piece of work.." he growled as he turned away from the male. He wasn't about to get his ass chewed out for getting in a fight with Inferni. He really didn't want to hear Jefferson's bitching in his ear once he found out, and he knew the male would sooner or later.

He glanced back at the male as he spoke up, "She doesn't hate me.. she'll come back.." he was disgusted at how Gabriel seemed to think that Zana would leave him forever. She might hate Iskata or fear her but DaVinci had been more of a parent to her than their real mother ever had. He shook his head and loped off from the borders again, pissed that he'd let the bastard get the best of him, yet enjoying the fact that he'd touched a nerve.

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