Take a chance

She did not kick nor bite. He treated it as a good sign. He let a pale smile enter his features when his copper and gold female approved. He would have to start working hard on his amends. He watched the two boys as they fed from their mother. Their coats were much fluffier already since the first time he had seen them, but that day he had only gotten a glimpse before the annoying Rosea and her Alexey Koios blocked out the view. He wondered just how much they would resemble their parents when they got older. It was a bit hard to determine, but He believed they would become a perfect mix of both parents, so all that remained was their eyecolour, which he assumed would either be blue or green. Emwe was a new for him, but he accepted it easily. To be completely honest, he did not put much meaning into names. Colibri Haki had been named after his own mother when he still loved her, and himself for some idiotic reason. He had done a lot of things without thinking them through.

Emwe and Conor it would be then, and it sounded strangely nice in his mind as he repeated the names for himself. When she asked him which one should be named Conor, he stood clueless on the spot for a moment before he slowly forced himself closer to the mother and her children. He lowered his face and looked up at the feeding babies more closely. He could not really tell them apart, because their colour was the exact same, it seemed. He poked the left one softly with his nose, and the little thing gave a small squeak in confusion before it continued to feed. Odd things, babies were. He lifted his face again, looking at his young mate. ”That would be Conor, and the other one Emwe.” He suddenly grinned when his gaze went back to the children, a feeling of pride flushed over him for no apparent reason and then went away. Their children. ”I think I could enjoy being a father.” Sons. He had only had daughters, but now he had two sons. Two sons and two daughters.


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