night to your day
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Catherine didn't get surprised with the stranger's reaction. It would be a completely normal act when something unknown comes from behind, where you can't see it. She would do the same if it was her. She kept still, the smile in her face, her arms now swinging at her sides.

She laughed lightly. She didn't surprise that she scared the other wolf. She wasn't the first to, but the blunt honesty was very... impressive, she thought. Such a honest creature was very rare, and she knew how to talk that language too. "Well... I've been sleeping in one of the branches of that tree, trying to deal with the scarce prey lately, and the hunger caused by the unsuccessful hunts I had in the whole week, not moving much to keep my energies and scouting from there the boarders of this lands, which belongs to the AniWaya tribe, where you are.. In other words, I'm fine." she said quickly, breathing deeply to be able to say the last part. The harsh that came from above her made she raise her gloved hand to the sky automatically, so the peregrine falcon could land on it. It climbed quickly to her shoulder, tilting its head toward the stranger itself had localized.

"Nice to meet you, Caliber. This is Seymour, my falcon." she said in a polite tone. The name of it was not very common, but it didn't bother her. She presented the bird, and it squacked when it heard its name. "So, may I now what you're doing here? I don't want to bug you, but it is my job to look after a trespasser, since I'm one scout. Sure you can understand it." she murmurated, explaining to Caliber that she had to know what was up to this visit.


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