coat-hanger halos

cake It's all good, I've been slow lately too :X

cakeThis wasn't a new thing to Bane; during wartime, he had spent many a night before the fire in between skirmishes, discussing theories and philosophies while awaiting the echo of the war drums to reach them from the hills. He had heard the things Lubomir was telling him many times before, again and again thrown at him by those who denied the Truth. This didn't mean they wouldn't be saved: it was perhaps their path to disbelieve. "They survive out of luck." And for the most part, he believed that; sometimes the weak slipped through the cracks. It was the way it was meant to be.

cakeThe meat was almost gone now, and he put aside the bone he had been picking the flesh off of. From within the hiking bag he carried he found a small piece of material which he used to wipe his fingers off on, all the while listening to his companion. He took the grayish wolf's words in stride; many had accused him of worse things before for not throwing his full support behind free will.

cake"You don't believe in a higher being?" Bane mused quietly, watching Lubomir with his sharp blue eyes, one of the few things in the world left of Phasma. "Destiny isn't fickle at all. Destiny is invariable, reliable, unwavering. What makes you think that we cannot learn? There is much more beyond this life, so much we have yet to discover. What we experience now is brief and insignificant. An apprentice to a scholar will consent to be told how and why, because their masters' knowledge is superior to their own. Life is that way as well; we are apprentices, we are students. We live these lives to learn, and once our destinies are fulfilled, once our existence has outlived its purpose, we return to our Maker knowing what He meant for us to learn while on this earth." His tone was strong enough to reveal that Bane believed fully in what he said. Once upon a time, young and angry, he hadn't, but those days were long behind him. It made sense to him that few followed the same path he did. Most wouldn't have been able to accept what he had accepted, and still live a normal life. Bane had always known that something more was meant for him.


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