Healing with a little voodoo

Hair stood up on the back of the females neck as the males eyes traveled over her body. What was this! These emotions she was feeling were the same as the ones she had felt so long ago with her father. How could she be so composed around every one else, and this stranger, made her feel like she was puddy. It angered her, the inability to control what she felt. The anger always burned in her gut, like a switch that was stuck in the on posistion, Svara's anger boiled every day no one able to rid her of it.

When the words poured out of his mouth, to the young she wolf it was like honey. Even though their meaning wasn't temping the voice behind it made her knees weak. Another jolt of anger rose up inside of her. She was in control on the outside, all of her conflict an inner battle of will. She listened to him, her yellow eyes never leaving his handsome face. Svara was clever and quick, she didn't know how to be like firefly or the others, but she knew how to get what she wanted in a way.

With him sitting in the grass his words made her anger finally snap. Her need HELP!!!! A shout of rage emitted from Svara's maw. Jumping at the male Svara landed over him pushing him completly to the ground her hands on either side of his head in the lush grass. "Know this Stranger, I am Svara Thames and I never need help espesially not from something like you." She snarled, her yellow eyes snapping fire. Even after some of her anger had passed, the other emotions were still there. The ones she didn't know how to deal with. The emotions her father had always taken into his own hands and administered to.

Still over the male in what looked like a threatening posistion, the girl didn't know what to do other then look down into his pink-red eyes. This close to the male his scent was even stronger. The anger was ebbing into the dark corner of her mind, and those emotions and feelings were becoming more intense as she just breathed. Svara was at a loss.


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