Stranger Things Have Happened
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Catherine was walking around, her hands on her jean's pockets, Seymour floating above her and above the trees, her recent experience in her mind. Her Journey was so soon, so quick and so unespected that she had only noticed when it had ended. She returning to the tree near the fences she called "hers" when she passed near the barn. Her eyes caught the shape of a known face. Leland. How could she forget about him? He was her closest friend since she joined the tribe. It was good to see him again. And he wasn't alone. The small muticolored kitten near him called her attention from the husky mix. It, somehow, remembered of her own Spirit Guide, Saw, that was not at all like the small cat. Shaking her head to forget this, she fastened her pace to the other AniWayan.

"Hello, Leland!" she greeted, still a few yards away from him. She waved to him whil she half runned to join him. When she was beside him, she repeated the greeting and smiled, looking to the kitten. "Is it your Spirit Guide? It's so cute." she said, crouching down near the cat. "I didn't know you was in a Journey. I was too. I have just came back from it." she commented, looking to the male now. She felt something slither from behind. Swiftly, the black mamba appeared, climbing her arm and coiling in her neck, just like a scarf.

"Leland, I want you to meet my Spirit Guide, Saw." she said. Actually, his name was Sawhra Addae Meddimirah, but he didn't need to now it. Just Saw was enough. The snake's head went down in a salutation, its black tongue shaking in the air all the time. "Hello, mister Leland." the mamba greeted the husky mix, with its hissy voice. She only hoped not to scare her friend with her new reptile friend.


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