night to your day
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Listening attentively with black ears perked forward and at their highest attention, the dark female listened with profound interest as to how spirits helped lead the lives of the AniWaya Tribe in their lands. At first, there was a hint of confusion and mysticism that struck across her features, giving a small questioning yet intrigued glance over to Catherine as the leader continued to speak. This instantly sparked long forgotten memories of puppyhood, going on adventures with other adrenaline seeking pups to discover the secrets of the otherworld. Caliber had always been a little skeptic with spirits and hauntings, but there was a belief that spirits had to be out there. To know that in AniWaya there were invisible guides for each and every member made Caliber come to self realization that perhaps this was the place that was essential for her survival, that this was the answer to her long travels made in search of herself, what happened, how to come to terms of her new life as a Verti. Maybe now all of my insecurities and fears could disappear. Maybe now I can finally be at ease with who I am, because the heavens know I need some sort of calling and direction… All of this suddenly made her more willing to pursue her dusty forgotten dreams and goals within AniWaya, and was merely ecstatic to know that the leader stated how if she was willing to comprehend with these spirits, she could stay.

Without her knowing, her long black tassel behind instantly began to quiver in a wag. The leader had fell silent now, and Caliber had all to do but keep a bursting toothy smile to appear on her jaws. Her smile was wide enough, evident to hear the news that her presence was welcome among their kind. The feeling that was felt inside her was a rush, invigorating, thirsty to both reconcile with those that were like her and also discover more about these spirits that the leader talked about, that had to be the most intriguing part, and her knowledge of wanting to know more about the Tribe. Shifting her weight upon her paws, her smile and wag remained strong as her sparkling silver eyes, now feeling more radiant than before, shone to both Catherine and the leader. “I’ve… never heard of such a thing before with the spirits, but I’m willing to know more. Much more.” Enthusiasm laced through her voice. “Something tells me that maybe I came here for a purpose, perhaps that purpose, for the spirits to guide me. I’ve been lost for so long.” She spoke of honesty, but didn’t want to linger too long on that fact. “I accept that possibility. Thank you.” Nodding to both Catherine and the leader with her smile strong through her words, on this cold day she was excited to start a fresh new beginning.


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