forgive the flaws
[html]Hello there Smile I'm James. Welcome to 'Souls!

She put her bow back over her shoulder, relaxing. It seemed that the arrow had flown true this time, straight into the notch she'd made in the tree trunk fifteen yards away. Dierdre was getting better at this, using her bow, better and better each day. No matter what she was doing during the day she always made time to take it out and practice. Her father had a bow, as well, and they planned on meeting to practice their aim later on. She would enjoy seeing Phoenix again; he'd been the one to help her bring the bow back from the human city in the first place.

The light colored werewolf ran to retrieve her arrow, her feet making big tracks in the snow as she went. After pulling the arrow out of the tree she turned, heading back toward the den that she shared with Pilot. She'd tell him about her progress. Someday she might use the bow to hunt something real, something moving...but she wouldn't tell Pilot that. He didn't have a taste for rabbit or squirrel.

Dierdre stopped for a moment, an odd scent reaching her nose. She knew the Storm lands well, knew what smells belonged there and what ones didn't...this one didn't. The border scout quickly unstrung the bow and started toward the borders, coiling the string and putting it into a pouch on the side of the quiver. She tried to hurry to the place where the smell was coming from, but her strength wasn't completely back yet. She'd spent the last few weeks, with the exception of the past couple of days, sick in her den...sometimes she ran out of strength still.

Her mismatched, yellow and blue eyes searched along the snow ahead as she walked, looking for any sign of another. The Storm borders were long, and it could take a little bit to get to the wolf that waited there. When she crested the next hill she saw the figure, a wolf waiting just beyond the treeline.

"Hello there...and welcome. These lands belong to the Storm pack; do you have business here, stranger?"[/html]

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