forgive the flaws
Hola, love! (: Thank you!


She had sat there for a while—maybe an hour, give or take some time—and for all that time. Kach’ had entertained herself with some sticks, a mind game, counting, and a bit of talking to herself. She wasn’t unused to being alone, but it wasn’t something she preferred. So the female was quite glad when her teal eyes flashed upon the mis-matched ones of a fellow Luperci, pale in coloration. The young female wagged her tail, immediately falling into a submissive crouch upon the pack member’s approach.

H-Hello… she began, feeling her tongue begin to tie in immense nervousness. I-I’m Kachiina… an-and I was looking for a new home… she trailed off now, unsure as to what would be appropriate to say at this time, and what wouldn’t. “Can I crash at your place?” certainly wasn’t appropriate. This St-Storm pack is the first that I have come across… would I be we-welcome to join the ranks, possibly?

She was moving a little fast, she realized; but was young, jittery, and incredibly eager.


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