Further confessions

ooc buisness

Her ears fell back at the words the other spoke, she could feel the adrenaline start pumping into her veins, the unpleasant feeling of impending unhappiness. It was Hanna’s attempt at soothing Cer that made the feelings worse. The Rosea hadn’t thought anything, at least nothing bad about the two. So Slay’s scent was mixed in on Hanna’s fur? They had seen each other the morning, and while it made Cer jealous and she was tempted to remind the male of her fragile feelings in that area she hadn’t really though anything had gone on between the two. Now she wasn’t so sure. Why was Hanna acting as if she had something to apologize for?

“Hanna...” Cercelee paused, considering. Part of her mind flew to the worse possible scenario, and while she knew it was irrational and unreasonable once present she couldn’t chase the idea away. If that were the case, she didn’t even want to know. Would just turn and leave, speaking to neither of them again. Yet she trusted Slay, knew he would never hurt her so. Not so soon into their relationship. And Hanna had assumed this was what Cer was thinking all along, assuring her it was not all so bad. So she had to be rational, and let the words come and chase away her silly fears. Fears she new were unfounded because Slay loved her and only her. “Well, you can tell me, anything. Really.”

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