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The sweet taste of death did a victory dance in his mouth, and he embraced the soothing relief whenever the pressure inside him was released into energy. His focus was on the small Inferni girl now, watching her as her eyes widened to that of a cartoon figure while she backed and touched his back legs. The girl’s name was Zana. The name seemed to not reach his ears because of his obvious indifference to her words, but the name was saved in his brain. If he had known that this was his youngest cousin, he would have chosen to act differently, but he was unaware of that fact. She bared her tiny, white fangs at him, but she was too small to be of any threat whatsoever. This would not be a fight, this would only be fun. She was cute; too bad she belonged to the wrong group of canines. After Retribution, Haku had very few reasons to avoid conflicts with coyotes. In fact, he welcomed it. Retribution, which real name was Onus, had not been sent by Gabriel to do the dirty work of wiping Haku away from the face of earth, but Haku let his assumptions administrate what he could and could do and what not. Zana had come to make this day a bit more entertaining, and so she would be dessert regardless if she actually agreed to it or not. Haku’s jaws parted to fully reveal his two lines of razor sharps fangs. ”Desserts should not talk.” His voice was nothing but a rumble.

The adult male's right hind leg kicked lazily out after the child to get her away from her false sanctuary. He was uncertain of what he really wanted to do with the girl, but he could at least have some fun with her before things possibly became nasty.


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