There is a time for everything
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Adelaida nodded, realizing that Mew was probably right. She thought over her encounter with Firefly, and it did seem that the female had gone far past trying to establish rank. "Don’t you think she has enough power with her rank?" Perhaps the women was insecure. Adelaida was insecure, and every once in a while it transgressed into her bullying others but she knew it was wrong, she knew she shouldn’t, she even felt bad… but it felt good too. To feel better than someone else, it was nice to have that once in a while no matter how false the circumstances. However it was never a constant with her, and she was growing out of it. Before coyotes, at least vulnerable ones, had been fair game, now she was trying to give them a chance. Trying.

"Oh…" So her brother held rank too, and Firefly was high up there. What a close knit family, all so high up on the rungs. Yet she didn’t know where Mew stood, and she didn’t ask. Adelaida of course knew the female was ranked higher than her, but Mew hadn’t made a show of it, not as Firefly had. She respected the luperci woman for that, even if she was a luperci. "Are you excited for nieces and nephews?" Adelaida smiled, she imagined Alexey ballooned with children, it was a nice thought strangely enough.


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