She wants to be like the water

indent The deer had not noticed either of the canines watching it. Gabriel was laying in wait, feet digging into the ground below his feet. He hadn’t eaten in two days—the food he had caught went to Faolin and Arkham. Now, though, he was hungry and the buck, alone and skinny, was his. One foot followed the other and soon he was close enough. Without warning, the hybrid leapt into motion, startling the buck into revealing his throat. Gabriel jumped, bit down, and his weight pulled the beast down with him. The buck gasped and flailed, attempting to land blows on his body, but Gabriel danced through the stupid hooves and made sure to keep his grip on the high point of the throat. Unable to turn its head, the antlers weren’t a threat.
indent Finally, the buck thrashed violently once, lost consciousness, and soon after died. Gabriel tore into the flesh, eating quickly, still unaware of his assumed niece (who was, by all accounts, going to remain a true Lykoi—with her mother dead and her false father long gone) watching from the bushes.


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