This Pulchritudinous Solitude
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Her eyes were opened, but they saw nothing even as her gaze was fixed upon the blades of grass that rose up about her. The wolf’s mind had retreated for a moment back into the darkness of her consciousness, allowing her body to recover from the shock of her futile attempts. The pounding of her pain startled heart thundered in her ears as she lay there, quite still save for the rise and fall of her breath as she drank in the cold, damp air. It was because of that sound that the sound of his approach was unheard, and the gelid air stole from her the warmth of his proximity. It was not until he reached out his maw to touch her with his wet nose that the sound died away into tranquility and she became aware of a presence.

His touch upon her ear was gentle, subtle, but she had not been expecting it. With a snarl, the female’s head turned sharply, her jaws opened and her teeth seeking that who had touched her. As she moved, his scent reached her strongly, and her vicious teeth scarcely missed the maw of her Lilium. Realizing her mistake, the female pulled away, and she found that the mastered control of her body was still there. "Haku!" But, having realized the identity of the male at her side, the female looked away, as if by doing so she would not have to share her defeat with the Lilium. As a warrior, she knew well that defeat was something to experience humbly, and she did, viewing it as a checkpoint to improve herself. But the nature of her defeat, aided by her indiscretion, was something of which she was ashamed. And the warrior thought that perhaps he would see it as evidence of her worth, or lack there of, of the ranks of Adonis and, especially, of Head Warrior. But when he spoke and used her name, her ear swiveled at the sound and she forced herself to look back at him.

"I was out to become acquainted with the earth," the quiet alto began in her archaic speech. "Some coyote attacked me—I don’t know who." A light smile flickered faintly across her lips. The white orbs watched him carefully, almost tentatively. When the male moved away, the female said, "I was walking upon the ice, but it was thin, and I fell... The cold slowed me." She was almost whispering now as she explained herself, as if it didn’t matter. At least she had been offered a change to continue on the path of life, and she held within her hand the evidence of who the coyote was. The warrior had considered searching for him at the Inferni boarders immediately after her encounter with Onus, but she wisely decided against it. It would be better to go at a later time when she would be able to move properly once more.

The black fae winced, and her breath caught as his tongue found her wound. He was gentle yet again, but the wound stung with his contact. After a few moments, she grew accustom to the sensation, and her tensed muscles relaxed. She turned her gaze to find that blue one, and the warrior was surprised to find something there. Worry? "You don’t have to...." There was a sadness in her alto melody, as if the day were raining because of it. But the warrior saw his gaze fall to her hand, and she turned to find the end of his gaze. Her woad bound hand unclenched, and the fur was left alone upon the wet earth. The white eyes looked back up at the chocolate hued male. "I found it there, when I went back."


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