Let me be your spark of life

Svara listened to his voice and snorted a slight laugh in it. "This was because I wanted to prove something and insanity won." She said as she moved to sit up. She felt dizzy and uncomfortable, but she staied sitting up knowing it was good for her blood flow and the raging head ache she was getting from laying down. The she wolf knew she would have to track some willowbark, or thyme either one would work, there was a list of herbs she could use, but the likelyness of finding them wasn't all that great.

"Stop it. Killing her won't fix this. Besides I'm sure it won't take my pack mates long to figure it out, and weather they like me or not they have a strong sense of justice." Her voice was gruff and she leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. She wished she could look him in the eyes, but that was next to never. "I'll be fine Leroy. I...just can't believe how much I hate my life." She grumbled her head rested against the hard support behind her.


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