tell me what the rain knows

Out of Character

This is a little short since I'm trying to squeeze it in between customers. <333

Word Count: 346

In Character

Kol's charcoal ears perked suddenly as a voice cut through the rain. Stupidly, she'd been so focused on her goal that she hadn't even noticed anyone else was nearby, and she chided herself for being so foolish. It mattered little that she was still in Dahlian lands. The voice could just as easily have belonged to a trespasser, rather than the blue-marked Adonis that stood nearby. For a moment, Kol pondered simply calling back a greeting and continuing on her way, but she was under no time constraints and had yet to meet the intriguing subleader of the pack. Figuring that this was a wonderful opportunity to do so, the girl turned in the direction of the bipedal female and approached her with friendly ease.

The warrior woman was even more impressive up close, and for a moment Kol's eyes danced along the beautiful tribal markings adorning her raven fur. Smiling ever so softly, the girl dipped her head in a respectful bow as her own alto tone lilted on the air. "Good morning, and congratulations on your promotion Lady Adonis. My name is Kol Stormbringer, and I must say it's a pleasure to meet you officially." On any other day, Kol would likely have been in the same form as the Adonis, but her smaller, quicker lupine form was far better suited for scouting forays in dangerous territory. As a result, the other female towered over her Circee, not that she minded. "As to your question, I'm headed out to do a little...reconnaissance in the neutral territories near Inferni. I'm going to try to dig up any information I can about Conor and Emwe. At this point, anything would help, and the coyotes seem to be stirring up trouble for us again." With a low growl, Kol dipped her muzzle at the Adonis, gesturing at the wounds she'd received from one of the Inferni bastards. Kol was unsure if the incident was common knowledge, but Haku had informed her and it was yet another reason for the scout to do a little information hunting.

Table by Fishie!


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