Let me be your spark of life
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Looking up at Svara’s words his red eyes fell on her, most likely she would be right. How cruel would they be to deprive her of his company; though he was sure that Haku wouldn’t care. Leroy was sure that he still had ill feelings toward the selfish male, but how didn’t really feel like that around her. He was selfish for the both of them. Ears fanned forward as he drank in her words with a smile, tail thumping behind him on the hard floor. ”Most likely your right, they’d have a reason for once to not run me off.” Moving closer he could feel Svara pull at him with her strong tones, that was the firecracker he knew. ” Yes firecracker, you know I’m soft and hard, though I’m not as hard as that wall.” His words were warm and playful as they vibrated from his throat. Slowly moving with her pulling Leroy set his back to the wall before his hands slipped around her waist while the other one was around her waist while the other went under her kegs. Gently picking her up the husky male settled her down in between her legs with his soft white chest open to her, arms loosened as they rubbed her back and side.

”Isn’t that much better darling, I’m not cold and u uncomfortable.” Sighing Leroy looked down at the red female, she was wounded in battle and Leroy was sure (thought no from where or why) that he would still help her, still help with whatever she needs. The patterned male knew deep down he would kill them, even if it’ll be a year from now he would do it. Rubbing his muzzle on her hair as Leroy let out a small rumble of comfort, it felt much better to have her close as the odd, new, feeling came over him. It was strange, so new almost unknown: protectiveness. Breathing in her scent relaxed him from the worry that filled his muscles before, along with is brain. ”You seem so tired and drained, just relax and rest I’ll stay as with you as long as I can. If you hungry just say something and I’ll make sure to get you a fat rabbit, to get something that’ll fill your belly.” Ruby eyes moved up to watch the opening of the cave as his tail humped the ground. Confusion came and went in him, it was so strange. He felt completely relaxed with the female was had known a short time, merely over a month or so now. It confused him how he got feeling that he rarely had, rarely used or even drawn out of him Yes he cared about himself first and foremost, but she clouded him. Leroy didn’t get angry with these thoughts as his mind drifted to his firecracker in his lap. Slightly rubbing his cheek against her he placed a kiss on her head, before his own skull leaned back on the wall. ” Who’s den is this anyway, it smells familiar.”


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