Let me be your spark of life
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Is it okay if Cwmfen comes in after her encounter with Sabeen? ^=^

The strain upon her slowly healing body and the encounter with Sabeen Thames, a new member with whom Cwmfen had had the pleasure of meeting under unpleasurable circumstances, had made the warrior weary. Yet, she lingered upon the Dahlian territory, listening to the songs of the earth sing and whisper to her. And the white orbs that shone like the moon turned toward the world with a quiet smile, that quiet smile reserved only for the few. And yet, the natural world was the most common recipient of such a gesture, as if she were mated to nature itself. And perhaps she was, in a way, for the enlightened warrior is a master of all elements and had the understanding of both war and peace. She fought with that knowledge, even if it took her to defeat and death, just as it had done and nearly done those several weeks prior. But that did not change her resolve. It had only strengthen it. And when she became frustrated with her slowly healing body, she remembered this and was calm like the waters and the wind and the fire and the earth.

And with that soft smile, the black, woad marked warrior turned to return to her den, to rest if only at its mouth. She had permitted the girl Svara to remain within her abode until she no longer needed the darkness and the silence and the solitude. The warrior’s step was light but slow, patient as the one-eyed Raven trailed her shadow in the high heavens with his indifferent silence. But her path was untroubled, and she had noticed no disturbances other than the one with which she had contended. And so she returned silently to her place of rest. But something caught her attention as she neared the great tree beneath which she had made her home.

But the smile faded. She scented another at her door. Quietly, silently, like the shadows of her coat, the female approached her den at an angle, assuring anonymity for whoever dwelt within. And yet she did not feel a tension in the air, and she realized why that were so when the scent became stronger. The warrior held back a growl as she recognized that scent. It belonged to the male who had been with Svara those many days ago (had it been a moon?), who had been chased from the boarders of Dahlia de Mai twice in the same day and twice by the same wolf. Why was he here? Or, more acutely, why had Svara brought the damned creature into her home? The warrior did not believe that comfort and solace in another’s embrace were reason enough, but she knew what others thought. Perhaps this once, she would be lenient. But only this once.

“It’s mine,” the woad warrior announced as she made her presence known. She answered the dog’s question, even when she knew it had not been for her. The warrior knelt slowly, yet with fluidity, at the tunnel’s mouth as her white orbs shone down into the darkness. She beheld the embrace of the two creatures, but she was not critical of it. She was critical only of the petty criminal’s presence in her home. "Why are you within these boarders?" But the alto melody was quiet, almost gentle.


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