Let me be your spark of life

Svara let the male move behind her giving her something more comfortable to lean on. Weather she was starting to like the male to much wasn't something she had really thought about. Now that she couldn't see it wasn't the first thing on her mind. Yet as she leaned against him she couldn't help but notice how different she acted towards him, how leniant she was on him. It made her want to laugh at her own stupidity. She was falling in love with the idiot! She who hated everyone, liked someone! It was strange to even think about it.

"Don't pamper me Leroy. I'm blind not paralized." She snapped irritated by his over pampering. The red female didn't want to be pampered, or endeared. If there was anything Svara wanted it was someone to talk to someone who would just listen to her take her sharp tounge and understand half of it was just an uncontroling anger. Svara had no intention of apologizing for her sharp words. The she wolf wanted him to understand her distaste for pampering.

His kisses and comforting touches were something the young she wolf enjoyed and didn't take for granted. In her permanate darkness she was finding some joy. Leaning into him she just felt trying not to think. With every thought came a regret and a worry making her already large head ache pound even harder behind her useless eyes. Before Svara could answer his question the familiar voice of the woad warrior rose up. Her voice only made Svara think about all the things she had lost with her sight.

"Because I didn't show up. He only came looking for me." Svara said in the same husky voice that she usually used when she really didn't want drama. "don't go telling haku, I don't need more to think about at this point." Svara mumbled turning her head into leroy's chest not at all bashful of her shows of affection to the male. Svara had never been afraid to show what she felt, and this was just the same.


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